Monday 8 AM - 12 PM
Tuesday 8 AM - 12 PM
Wednesday 8 AM - 12 PM
or by appointment
call or text (435)613-9793
Payments are due April 1, 2024, to pay your bill online using Venmo, click the button below.
Please include the account number or invoice number and add a 3% convenience fee.
Payments are due April 15, 2025 to pay your bill online using PayPal, click the button below.
Please include the account number or invoice number and add a 3% convenience fee.
Canal to canal leases must be done through our office.
The current deadline is May 31, 2025 but that may change with runoff conditions.
Lease memo's can be emailed to
If you are interested in selling water, please email us at Please include if you are buying/selling, how many shares, a contact phone number and/or email.
PRWUA is the water company that owns the storage rights to Scofield Reservoir. Owning stock in PRWUA entitles one to delivery of water from Scofield Reservoir, or to another use, such as a well or spring right.
We are located at 375 S. Carbon Ave., Price, UT Room 137
You can reach us by email at
or leave a message or text us at (435) 613-9793.
Office Hours
Monday 8 AM - 12 PM
Tuesday 8 AM - 12 PM
Wednesday 8 AM - 12 PM
or by appointment
The planning phase for the Upper Price River project is moving forward. It will provide resiliency and greater flexibility in accommodating the water needs of our communities. The alternatives include a 7,500 ac-ft reservoir at either Garley Canyon or Consumers Wash, a new diversion structure on the Price River replacing the existing North Carbon Group structure which would facilitate both the existing diversion users and project water, a transmission pipeline (60-72” gravity flow) from the diversion structure to either reservoir, and pressurized pipelines for the Gay Ditch, Price-Wellington Canal, and Carbon Canal. Also included in the alternatives are ways to maintain a minimum flow in the Price River for fisheries and environmental purposes. The next step for the public is a Draft Environmental Impact Statement that will be available for public comment – likely in late Summer. For more information, go to the project website:
For more information on agricultural lands conservation projects that benefit the sustainability of farming see this website: